You don’t need a shoulder to cry on but what you do need is a seriously wild amount of hd porn videos. These crystal-clear xxx scenes offer something that is about as close to the real thing as you can get. You get to look at those famous pornstars doing what they do best in front of the camera and your cock gets the best seat in the house.
With what you have going on here you might as well just go nuts and access some of their free VR porn scenes. You didn’t get that virtual reality set just to play games, at least I sure hope not. I bet many of you have never bothered using your VR for porn. While I would like to brag about my own adventures in VR sex, how about you make some for yourself. All of your favorite pornstars have made virtual sex videos. When I said before about the action being as good as the real thing this is even better. Best of all, this is something that you can do without having to worry about making a fool of yourself, you only need to make that VR slut beg for it and I am counting on you to do that.